
I'm in CO

Yeah, I'm in Colorado right now. Be jealous.

Really, though, I'm only online because we hiked in the Rocky Mountain National Park for like 5 hours and the rest of my family is all tired out. They are now all sleeping or watching television. Since neither of these activities interest me much, and since I am done with Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, I decided to come get on the computer.

I blogged. In Colorado. Aren't you all proud of me?

Who Can Compare?

You drew the lines of where
The sea would meet the shore,
The sky would meet the floor,
Who can compare?

You tell the sun just when
To pass the time to night,
And when to come back bright,
Who can compare?

Needer of nothing the Giver of all,
Every living thing survives
By the strength Your boundless love supplies!
Lord of power beyond compare,
The universe sits in Your hand,
And eternity is where You stand!

- Foolish Things

Of course! Everyone go to FoolishThings.com and buy all their cd's!




I will be gone for the next like two weeks at camp (FT!) and family vacation. You have been warned. Please don't send me hate mail (you know who you are!)

But really, my summer has been not what I expected at all. I have been busy at fireworks stands and weddings and church... OK, one of those shouldn't be a surprise but the others were crazy; I'm so glad I don't have another wedding this summer. Anyways, I have to leave for camp in like 6 hours and I'm running on like 5 hours of sleep. I'd like to not repeat my mistake last year of not sleeping more than an hour before the first day of camp... So I leave you with my fondest wishes.

And another plea for no hate mail!