Pictures from Camp 180!
Ahh, campers. This particular guy is eating a worm... his third for the day, and he wouldn't stop there. I got to have the whole range of campers in Michigan, especially since they split the week up into Senior High (Sun-W) and Junior High (W-Sat). With senior highers, I had kids that hated group activity, kids that thought the highlight of the week was the hour or so we spent wrestling on the ground, some guys who are really trying to figure the whole Christianity thing out, and one amazing young man who I got to talk and pray with on several occasions and whose spiritual maturity was a testimony to me. My junior highers were... crazy. We had a couple ADHD kids, a couple that were normal juinor high guys (or as normal as they get hehe), a couple that were definitely ready for high school as far as their maturity and sense of identity went. I had a blast with these kids, stealing my stuff and me climbing on their beds and smacking them around, staying up and talking and yelling even after our other counselors in that cabin went to bed... What? The crazy thing was that I still got up at 6:30 every morning to go running with the camp director and whoever else wanted to go... I did 12 miles in four days that week. It hurt. The first day most of my cabin got up for it (although about half went to the 6:30 Bible study). The second day the camp director was late, so I went back to bed... Only to have my campers come back and drag me out of bed when the director did finally show up. And then the one that got up with me quit after 200 yards or so leaving me, the director, and one other kid to tackle Big Bertha (think the ski hill for Houghton, and larger than Quentin Heights for Topeka). I was really angry since on of my kids went back to bed at that point... And the final day of junior high camp, I got up alone :-( It was funny to see my campers drain themselves throughout the week, and me still be going strong (if sore from running!).
This is Jen and Janee, who I'll mention later. I'm new to this whole photo-blogging thing and I didn't want to go back and change a bunch of stuff. Jen reminded me a lot of Anna, only toned down on the energy scale quite a bit :-)

This is my friend from Southern Wesleyan University, Lincoln. He is currently shown being taken out on the camp water slide by a speedy junior high girl who hit him from behind. There were teams from SWU, Bethany Bible College, and Indiana Wesleyan University there for the week. I didn't hang out with many of them a lot, but they were all really great people. Lincoln sat with Kyle (another Dayspringer) and I and the three of us greeted every camper as they arrived at camp and prayed with them. Another note about the waterslide... This is where I cut all the skin on my pinky finger most of the way off... And had to go into the city to get stitches... Only by the time we got there there was nothing to stitch back on... And I missed a soccer game for that, it sucked :-(
This is my friend Joslin, and her stuffed pink dog... That is now my stuffed pink dog :-) It goes well with my pink blanket, pillow, and stuffed teddy bear (not to mention water bottle, backpack, and fan!) Joslin and Jen and Janee (pronounced the way that you would pronounce Jennae) were all great girls to hang out with for the week, playing frisbee with me and teaching me how to play retarded slapjack (which is awesome!)
Hello one and all!I'm getting ready to go to church here in Houghton and then will be doing who knows what for the rest of the day, but I am indeed alive! Two weeks of camp have both had their unique challenges, but they have been awesome. I've got pictures on my computer for both of them, and hopefully I'll get them up here in a couple days since we are at a camp here in Houghton for the week. I think that we are only security this week as well, not counselors, so feel free to call and try to chat anytime this week. Except today from 1:30-4, because then the World Cup game will be on, and we couldn't miss that now could we?hehe!