
Ah, the crap which MAACS inspires us to write: poetry

I once knew two children who both loved the Lord
Who sought Him with all of their soul-
Two children whose faith did not ever grow bored,
With spirits that ever were bold.

These children put even their parents to shame,
As close as they walked with their God;
Two children whose lives and whose hearts gave them fame,
And earned them a heavenly nod.

The children I knew grew through learning and strife
They always kept seeking their Lord-
At that time I would have thought both of them angels;
But now I fear one of them's bored.

He walks and he talks and he acts like the first,
He goes to his church, and he 'worships' his Lord.
He knows all the answers, he knows all the facts,
He knows what to do to get fame and applause.
But inside he's rotten, his Bible will tell,
It's never been read, not one page;
This teen who in childhood battled with Hell,
Has fallen from God as he's aged.

The first though, is vibrant, and honest, and real,
His passionate deeds are a light to all men.
He's given his life to his Father above,
He's sold out, committed, and true to the end.
Just look at his Bible, the light for his feet,
It's marked up and worn down with care.
His life has become just as Godly, some feat!
As the second burned out like a flare.

I once knew two children who both loved the Lord,
I boasted of them through the land;
Just look at them now, one so vibrant, on bored-
But both with their Bibles in hand.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's so sad that this stuff actually happens to people. And I know: I'm currently trying to prevent it in one of the members of my family.

2:23 PM  

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