
Blog, or Online Diary?

So even though I'm feeling thoroughly uncreative and don't want to post, I figure that I might as well since I'm going to be gone all weekend. And yes, it is going to be wonderful, thank you very much.

Does anyone notice how closely some parts of these so called 'blogs' resemble nothing more than an online diary? But perhaps I am simply new to the blog world and uneducated. To me, blog meant (once upon a time) a place where views and commentary on society, culture and politics were to be found and enjoyed and shared and discussed. What I have come across here however, seems to be more the venting and frustration and chronicling of every day life.

Not that I'm complaining, I've been greatly entertained by what I've read here. And I suppose that I overgeneralize to say that most people simply vent. But these blogs out there, and the question won't leave me alone.

Well I must leave for my wonderful weekend.

May the Lord bless you and keep you.